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HomeEventsCC (MH) * MD *37 miles *10AM * North Potomac

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CC (MH) * MD *37 miles *10AM * North Potomac

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


North Potomac Community Recreation Center
13850 Travilah Road
Rockville, MD  20850

Event Contact(s)

David Kitzmiller



Registration Info

Registration is closed

About this event

Start at North Potomac Community Recreation Center, Travilah Road, Rockville. Park in the south part of the lot, to the left of the entrance. The route runs to River Rd, Poolesville, and South Germantown Park. This route is moderately hilly, about 59 ft/mile of climbing. Rest stops at Poolesville (16 miles) and Adventure Playground, Germantown (29 miles). We won't drop anyone who can maintain 13 mph.

Contact: Dave Kitzmiller (
(202) 330-3798